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Photographer: Ingo Solms   High Resolution 5472 X 3648   

Is the final urge of Marguerite Duras to express the transition between life and death. We have gathered around her last fascinating words where she is sharing her longing back to life and her fear of dying, thus losing everything.
This text has gathered us because it resembles us of our own experiences facing death. Based on all these elements we hope to share with you a visual, audial, physical journey into a landscape beyond death.

Teatermaskinen has been researching C´est tout by Marguerite Duras on numerous occasions since 1998 because of its poetical density.
And because it addresses art, love, death, memory and the process of dying.

C´est tout is the development of the research project Temporary Monad where we have been exploring sound, vibration, bodies and their internal relations.

The work with C´est tout started two years ago as a joint research between artistic director Jonas Engman, composer Kenneth Cosimo, videoartist Mirjam Hector, actress Berit Engman and dancer/choreographer Amanda Billberg and Ana Zavala of Integro Peru. C´est tout introduces our first collaboration with dancer Ellinor Ljungkvist.

We also extract material from the sounds and the filmed vibrations of sound that Kenneth Cosimo and Mirjam Hector gathered during a five-year collaboration under the name TgwNon.

In the next phase we will include an interactive exhibition with paintings, video and sound installations that will be presented in museum spaces opening at KRLSG2 in Västerås in March 2016.

When the piece tours, it will be performed by different actresses in the mother tongue of each country. Project partners are La Communauté inavouable(France), Meta Theater Münich(Germany), ExQuorum(Portugal).

Text: Marguerite Duras
Artistic director: Jonas Engman
Composer: Kenneth Cosimo
Scenographer/Video artist: Mirjam Hector
Dancers/choreographers: Ana Zavala, Amanda Billberg, Ellinor Ljungkvist
Actress: Berit Engman
Technical team: Taavet Jensen, Kalle Tikas, Jonas Glad
Production: Anders Olsson, Julie Paule
Translation: Kennet Klemets Published at Ellerströms förlag.
With special thanks to La communauté inavouable, Ulf Stenberg, Västmanlandsmusiken

Teatermaskinen is an independent theatre company operating since 1998. We are the initiators of The Culture Reservation which is a land for the arts. For this land we are building a school. To know more, you are welcome to contact us.

Cést tout was invited for a work-in-progress-performance at Studiobühne in Cologne 27/05 2015;

                                                                                               Photographer: Ingo Solms  High Resolution 5472 X 3648
                                                                                                Photographer: Ingo Solms  High Resolution 5472 X 3648
                                                                                                     Photographer: Ingo Solms  High Resolution 5472 X 3648

                                                                                   Photographer: Ingo Solms  High Resolution 5472 X 3648

                                                                                                              Photographer: Horst Baumann   High Resolution 1920 X 1272

Photographer: Ingo Solms 

High Resolution 3648 X 5472